On Tuesday, 31 January 2023 18:10:57 CET Russ Allbery wrote:
> > I: linux-perf: bash-term-in-posix-shell '. $(dirname
> > $0)/../lib/coresight.sh'
> > [usr/lib/perf-core/tests/shell/coresight/asm_pure_loop.sh:8]
> Yeah, I think it's a false positive in this check (check_line in
> Lintian::Check::Shell::NonPosix::BashCentric):

I looked a little deeper/further and specifically into `lib/coresight.sh` and 
that file does contain `echo -n`, which ShellCheck does flag as it's undefined 
POSIX.  So maybe it was actually triggered by the 'included' file?

I don't know if that could also be the case for the original reporter.

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