The riscv64 build still fails with a test timeout of 30m. Since there appears to be quite a substantial difference in performance between a riscv64 porterbox, and the actual riscv64 buildd, I think we have no option other than to skip the test completely.

=== RUN   TestTombstoneCleanRetentionLimitsRace/iteration12
panic: test timed out after 30m0s
FAIL    1800.416s

This test is skipped on arm, due to debian/rules:

ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH_CPU),arm)
# Tests in armel take way too long, and run out of memory in armhf.
TESTFLAGS  := -timeout 60m -short


func TestTombstoneCleanRetentionLimitsRace(t *testing.T) {
    if testing.Short() {
        t.Skip("skipping test in short mode.")

I will implement something similar in d/rules for riscv64.

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