On Thu, 02 Feb 2023 20:57:16 -0500 Antoine Beaupré wrote:

> On 2023-02-01 23:35:09, Francesco Poli wrote:
> > On Wed, 01 Feb 2023 10:25:21 -0500 Antoine Beaupre wrote:
> [...]
> > I must admit that I am somewhat surprised that you see all these mail
> > notifications about fixed packages as something new.
> > apt-listbugs has notified root by (local) mail about fixed packages for
> > ages. Through the cron job mechanism and, starting from 2019, through
> > the manually-implemented mailing in the systemd timer.
> >
> > So, I wonder what has changed in your box, when you began to see these
> > mail notifications...
> I am not sure. I recently deployed unattended-upgrades on all my
> machines, and recently upgraded them to bookworm, which might have
> triggered more of those warnings. 2019 is not that long ago though, was
> this part of bullseye?

Yes, the mail notifications have been present for ages.
Before 2019, just because cron/anacron sends the output by (local) mail
by default. Starting from 2019, also because they are manually
implemented in the systemd timer (for systemd-running boxes).
This implementation was done in 2019 and was part of bullseye (which
was released in 2021).

However, what you say made me think about a couple of things.
Under unattended-upgrades, apt-listbugs automatically pins all buggy
packages, see the corresponding [FAQ]
in /usr/share/doc/apt-listbugs/FAQ.md.gz .


But, unfortunately, this automatic pinning was broken in bullseye, due
to a bug introduced by me in 2020 and then fixed in 2022 (see bug

[#1021289]: <https://bugs.debian.org/1021289>

In bookworm, this bug is fixed and the automatic pinning should work

This should explain why you suddenly began to see the notifications
under unattended-upgrades, after migrating to bookworm.

> > In the meanwhile, you could try the attached patch as temporary
> > workaround for your specific case (the "I do not want any mail
> > notifications" case).
> > Please let me know whether it works as intended.
> Ah well, I thought I could write something like this on my own of
> course, but I didn't want to diverge from upstream and forget I had that
> patch lying around. I suspect it might just work, indeed, as the caller
> checks to see if there's any output beforing firing off that email...
> Thanks for the patch!

You are welcome.

 There's not a second to spare! To the laboratory!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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