On Feb 02, Moritz Muehlenhoff <j...@debian.org> wrote:

> Varnish should only be included in Bookworm with a reliable commitment
> by the maintainers to backport/test security fixes across the typical
> three year life cycle (two years of stable-security and one year of
> oldstable-security).
I do not think that this will be helpful for Varnish users.

> Especially since testing currently has 7.1, which reaches it's end of
> life on March 15 2023 and does not contain the LTS release.
stable contains 6.5.1, oldstable 6.1.1, neither of which was a LTS, and 
the sky did not fall.

> (It's not unlikely that most people who operate a CDN based on Varnish
> only use custom/patched/recent packages backported from stable
> anyway, which is perfectly fine, but then let's make that explicit
> by keeping it out of testing).
Varnish is used by much more than CDNs! Web site operators use Varnish 
all the time to cache CMSes like Wordpress and Magento, and they do not 
have the resources to build custom packages (and matching extensions).


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