Hello Jarl.

Jarl Gullberg:
I've got a patchset that reworks the control files for proper CMake
support and a couple of fixes to the existing patches in order to make
1.4.287 play nice with OpenSSL 3.0. I'm not sure if I've updated the
upstream source in line with policy for this package, though, and
could use some help making sure I'm doing it right.

Debian Unsable is currently in "soft freeze" because of the upcoming release of Debian 12 "Bookworm", such that only small targeted fixes can be uploaded at this point.


It's not realistic to try to upload 1.4.287 to Debian to get it into the next release at this point. However; it would still be useful to have a newer version packaged in order to release it for the Mumble Ubuntu PPA which is also out of date. I've been working on the Mumble 1.5.517 snapshot release, but unfortunately its not ready for release because the systemd service file it ships is broken and the sysv init file was removed.

I'll send another email to this bug + all involved with the bug as to the status of the 1.5.517 work and what got uploaded to Debian (1.3.4-4) and the MR requests that were incorporated.

At the moment, this is what I've done:
1. downloaded the upstream release tarball
3. renamed it to mumble_1.4.287.orig.tar.gz
2. cd mumble && pristine-tar commit ../mumble_1.4.287.orig.tar.gz
3. unpack tarball in upstream branch, commit and tag as 'upstream/1.4.287'
4. merge 'upstream' into 'debian'

I haven't tested doing the above manually, but on first glance it looks right. I believe these are the same general steps that git-buildpackage does when running 'gbp import-orig <tarball>'. If you don't use git-buildpackage yet and are interested there are some hints about using it here:


And the DebConf conferences have recorded videos on using git-buildpackage also, I think starting around 2013.

I only found the 'extras/make-mumble-git-tarball.sh' script after the
fact, and I do see that that script does some cleanup. I'm also seeing
a lot of dpkg-source warnings about removed files when I build, so I'm
pretty sure I've done something wrong.

If you're importing a tarball, make-mumble-git-tarball.sh isn't meant to be 

The make-mumble-git-tarball.sh was specifically written for mumble 1.3 from Git and isn't meant for Mumble 1.4 and above; 1.4 changes file structure significantly. It was a script I had to build because at the time upstream wanted me to release Mumble 1.3 and there wasn't a tarball available to do it from, and Mumble's git repo uses submodules such that a standard 'git archive' command to build a tarball won't work alone.

Upstream built another tool to extract a tarball from git which is a Python 3 script which is part of the upstream Git repo, so the make-mumble-git-tarball.sh script I created is outdated.


This is how to create a 1.5.x tarball within the 1.5.x Git checkout:

   scripts/create_source_archive.py --revision 1.5.x --format=tar

But again this is only for the situation of creating a tarball from Git to work from; it's not needed if there's already a tarball to import.

That aside, everything seems to run fine (with some hiccups related to
config files for mumble-server that I assume has something to do with
the above). I can open up a couple of MRs on Salsa if you want,
provided I can get some handholding in regards to how you want it done

Please do not open an MR right now, as I have 1.5.517 to push to the repo, so I won't be able to pull an MR for 1.4.287 unless its to a Git branch, which I don't know how to do off the top of my head.

Also, MRs for the Mumble repo in Salsa are disabled for all but those within the VoIP team for now, because they've been happening without my knowledge. I need to figure out how to configure email notifications -- there were MRs put there for a long time that I was never notified by, with no BTS bug report associated with. I never knew MRs in Salsa were a thing until discussion about them in this particular bug.

   -- Chris

Chris Knadle

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