Hi Tina!

Hope you're well!

On Fri, Feb 17, 2023 at 05:15:37PM +0000, Martina Ferrari wrote:
> > We're now almost a year later, and unfortunately past the bookworm
> > freeze. While the Debian package is still at 0.9.0 (what bullseye was
> > released with), Upstream is now at 0.16.0, including several important
> > bugfixes and enhancements :( Sadly, I didn't notice it earlier,
> > otherwise I would have tried to help.
> I am sorry about this, it completely fell out of my radar, I have not had
> much time for packaging work during the last year. I guess at this stage of
> the freeze it would not be ok to update it?

I think technically it falls outside the rules of the freeze -- but by a
very small margin (less than a week!) and a somewhat long time ahead, so
I think the RT may show some leniency :)

> > Can I ask for this package to be more adequately maintained for trixie?
> > Perhaps it could be transferred under the maintenance of the Python Team
> > so that others such as myself can help?
> We have kept it in the go team because almost all of the prometheus-related
> packages are there, although de facto we are a small sub-group taking care
> of this packages (with not enough person power, as you can see). We would
> love more help, and if that means transferring to the python team, I would
> not be opposed to that.. It just seemed simpler this way.

Oh, I hadn't realized it was under the Go team? The Maintainer/Uploaders
field suggest that there's only three individuals maintaining this,
hence why I was asking for a team! I'm a member of the Go team project
as well, and that would work equally fine for me -- although honestly
that feels like a bit of an odd fit, given none of this is written in
Go? Broadly speaking I would fear that Go packagers may not be up to
speed with Python buildsystems, best practices as they evolve etc., but
I'm not really opinionated. My only interest was in folks signalling
that it's OK for others to touch their packages and help when life
catches up with the rest.


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