tags 1031510 wontfix

Am Fri, Feb 17, 2023 at 03:02:50PM +0100 schrieb Thomas Goirand:

> We'd like to have a new debian-puppet list. Here's the answer to all the
> fields of the MailingLists/HOWTO_start_list page. Please do reach us at
> #debian-puppet if you need to.
> Please note that the following DDs are behind this request (and I'm only
> the messager):
> - apoikos
> - pollo
> - lavamind
> - olasd
> - zigo
> Name: debian-pup...@lists.debian.org
> Rationale:
> The puppet team still uses an old Alioth list, and we'd like to move-on.
> We also need a space to be able to exchange ideas/work, and IRC isn't enough.

 there is probably some misunderstanding. lists.debian.org is not a replacement 
for alioth and it
 does not host team mailinglists. Unless you want a general discussion list 
about configuration
 management systems I will have to decline that request. 

The software and the team would just not be able to serve that request. 

Alex - Debian Listmaster

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