I’m thinking your (dbus) environment is not initialized correctly when
starting your X-session. How do you start it?
Do you use some Display Manager, like xdm, gdm, etc.?
How do you select to start bspwm: via a menu in your DM, after logging into
your DM, from your ~/.xsession, ~/.xinitrc, etc.?

It's been a while but luckily I've kept all my config changes in a git repo!

So I start bspwm by running `startx` at boot and had `exec bspwm` as the WM
launch command, but had gotten it fixed by correctly starting it with `exec
dbus- run-session -- bspwm`.

I think the biggest issue was as someone new to trying out lauching a graphical
session without a display manager, there really wasn't any indication of
what exactly is needed to manually start that's taken for granted. It finally
clicked when I started using other programs that require a D-Bus environment,
and trying out Void Linux on some machines had me going through their docs
where it's clearly stated that a session bus may be required for some software.

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