Severity: normal

Hi release team!

Since the current state of the freeze, I thought I'd check with you guys
before uploading ola 0.10.9.

A bit of background: there were a few compatibility bugs in ola 0.10.8
(currently in stable) which meant that it was kicked out of testing a
while back for FTBFS reasons.

In coordination with upstream, I uploaded a prerelease snapshot to
Debian in December that solves some, but not all, of the existing
issues. Upstream has since worked on fixing more issues and getting
0.10.9 out, and given that the difference between the current snapshot
in Debian and 0.10.9 is mostly bugs fixed, I would like to update to
0.10.9 -- but seen as how there are quite a number of things, and seen
as how it is a new upstream release (which technically isn't allowed
anymore, AIUI), I would like your go-ahead before I upload.

The full list of changes can be found at

but it starts off with a number of changelogs and upstream CI things
(which we don't use), so you can ignore those and start at

Most of the changes are small bug fixes, spelling fixes, and a bunch of
reformatting in the python code. What's not:

- olad/www/new/*: this is precompiled in the upstream tarball from
  olad/www/new-src, removed before upload to Debian (hence the
  ".nojsmin" bit in the version -- I refuse to call this a ".dfsg"
  version because I don't agree it's a DFSG issue, but think of it as
- A number of tests were added (so there's better test coverage)
- Ola was in the midst of a reworking of some code that was still
  Python2-specific; the code that hadn't been ported has been
  (temporarily) disabled in the version that is currently in the
  archive. There are some new python files that are necessary to finish
  the Python3 transition for ola. This is mostly the RDM tester code;
  the package for that is currently disabled in testing and unstable,
  but that is a regression from stable -- it works there. There are a
  few new files to support that better (mostly some string handling
  utilities) and some extra tests, but nothing earth shattering.

Do I have the go ahead? If so I'll upload ASAP.

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