On 2023-03-02 01:32:55 +0000, James Addison wrote:
> Package: python3-django-hyperkitty
> Followup-For: Bug #1031928
> X-Debbugs-Cc: h...@hjp.at
> Control: tags -1 moreinfo
> Hi Peter,
> I'd like to gain some experience with configuring email infrastructure, and
> this bug seems like a good opportunity to learn.
> I haven't yet been able to reproduce the self-closing HTML script tags; here's
> roughly the series of install steps I used (I may have omitted one or two
> details) to get the interface up-and-running:
>   # apt install mailman3-full
>   # vim /etc/mailman3/mailman-web.py  # configure REST API creds
>   # ln -s /etc/mailman3/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf-available/mailman3.conf
>   # a2enconf mailman3
>   # a2enmod proxy_uwsgi
>   # systemctl restart mailman3-web
>   # systemctl restart apache2

I just did that on a fresh VM to to have a pristine state again.

> (note that I also had postfix utilities installed on the system)
> That seemed to work: I was able to browse the postorius web interface and see
> that I had no mailing lists configured.

The problem is only on the "Archives" page (/mailman3/hyperkitty), and
it's not immediately noticable without any archived mailinglists,
however ...

> Checking the HTML source of the page, I did see some <script> tags -- 
> including
> for 'popper.js' -- each of them had a closing </script> tag, as expected.

At the bottom of the hyperkitty page I see now:

    <script src="/mailman3/static/CACHE/js/output.e1a49b476a8d.js"></script>

This is ok, but it's not what I saw on the other system. Instead of the
last line with the cached compressed javascript I got the 12 individual
script entries from the template.

So it seems that my suspicion that {% compress js %}...{% endcompress %}
wasn't working properly was correct. But of course that raises the
question why that would fail on one system and work on another. I'll
investigate that and then get back to you.

> Could you provide any more information on configuration steps / settings that
> may be required to reproduce the problem?

My process wasn't as straightforward as yours, there was quite a bit of
trial and error involved (for example, I installed postgresql after
mailman3 and then did a dpkg-reconfigure to get mailman3 to use
posgresql instead of sqlite; and I also needed a few attempts to get the
apache config right), however, browsing through the shell history I see
no differences which look relevant.


   _  | Peter J. Holzer    | Story must make more sense than reality.
|_|_) |                    |
| |   | h...@hjp.at         |    -- Charles Stross, "Creative writing
__/   | http://www.hjp.at/ |       challenge!"

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