On Mon, 23 Aug 2021 23:42:14 +0200 Timo Weingärtner wrote:

> The time needrestart takes to analyse processes is to a great amount
> influenced by the existence and count of perl processes:

I just profiled needrestart using NYTProf and found that the
problem is actually caused by the Module::ScanDeps Perl module:

   sudo apt install libdevel-nytprof-perl
   sudo env NYTPROF=trace=2:start=init:file=`pwd`/nytprof.out perl -d:NYTProf 
   sudo chown "$USER"
   nytprofhtml --open

I found that on my system there are a couple of Perl processes
and one of them takes a lot more time to scan than the other one.

   $ ps auxf | grep perl | grep -oE '/usr/s?bin/[^ ]*' | sort -u

   $ time scandeps /usr/sbin/spamd > /dev/null
   real 0m1.430s
   user 0m1.350s
   sys  0m0.080s
   $ time scandeps /usr/bin/parcimonie > /dev/null
   # Use of runtime loader module Module::Runtime detected.  Results of static 
scanning may be incomplete.
   # Use of runtime loader module Module::Implementation detected.  Results of 
static scanning may be incomplete.
   real 0m8.155s
   user 0m7.006s
   sys  0m0.999s
Researching the landscape of such tools, I found these other ones:


These all complete a *lot* faster but do not produce the same
results and so they are probably *not* useful for this situation.



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