On Thu, Feb 23, 2023 at 12:16:41PM +0200, Faidon Liambotis wrote:
> I also have changes underway for 4.5, but currently looking into what it
> would take dependency-wise to accomplish this, as there are 1-2 new
> Python module dependencies that are not present in Debian yet. I'll
> follow up once I have something; I expect this to be in the next week or
> so.

I packaged the two new dependencies mentioned above:
 * python-reedsolo, which entered unstable this week; and 
 * python-pkcs11 (used only conditionally, for espsecure's HSM bits),
   which is waiting in NEW for about a week now.

I moved the repository to the DEP-14 layout, rebased the
feature/2.8-update branch, and then built on top of it in the new
debian/experimental branch. This now has 4.5.1, with lots of other fixes
and flasher stubs! I'd consider this a release candidate for an
experimental upload once pkcs11 passes through NEW.


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