
On Mon, 27 Feb 2023 15:19:17 +0100 Sven Bartscher <kritzef...@debian.org> wrote:
when listening to music in sublime music, the song metadata indicated in the lower left corner and the play queue reachable in the lower right corner do not update when they should. This includes situations such as

* the next song starts when the previous has ended
* the “Go to next song” button is used
* another song is selected for playback somewhere else in the interface
* a song is set to “play next“

Instead they just stay stuck in in the state they have when starting up, i.e. showing the song that was first played after starting and the play queue at that time. Note that while the mentioned interface elements don't reflect the change, the actual playback and the time slider in the lower middle reflect the changes made, e.g. the time resets to the start when a new song is started and “play next” selections are correctly respected when switching to the next song.

I just noticed that the behavior described above actually depends on the active tab being viewed. While viewing the “Playlists” tab, the behavior is as described above. However, as soon as yous switch to another tab (“Albums”, “Artists” or “Browse”) the metadata indicator in the lower left corner updates to the correct values.

The behavior of the play queue depends on how music was queued there. If music has been queued from tabs other then “Playlists” the play queue behaves similarly to the metadata indicator, i.e. it is frozen while on the “Playlists” tab, but resumes updating correctly once you switch to another tab. If you fill the play queue by clicking the “Play All” or “Shuffle All” buttons in the “Playlists” tab or double clicking a specific song from a playlist, it goes into a permanently frozen state that keeps displaying the play queue in the state before the playlist was queued. This frozen state can be broken by going into another tab and playing another song to replace the play queue.

If you don't queue a whole playlist, but only a single song from the playlist tab, by right-clicking and selecting “Play next” or “Add to queue“ the play queue updates accordingly (as soon as you switch away from the playlists tab) and doesn't go into the permanently frozen state.


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