On Wed, 22 Mar 2023 11:42:19 -0700 andy wrote:

> i have also started receiving email notifications from apt-listbugs and
> am +1'ing the suggestion for a knob to turn off all emails.

thanks for your comments, I am taking notice.

> in my case it seems related to an Acquire::http::Proxy setting.
>  * when waking from sleep in a location where the apt-proxy is
>    reachable, about 1/2 the time (from a small sample size of 1 laptop
>    over a few days) it apparently tries to run before the network is
>    available and emails "E: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
>    [...]" (perhaps related to #964438).

Taking what you describe into account, it really seems that you are
experiencing bug #964438 .
Unfortunately, my attempt to report a wishlist bug against systemd was
not really successful...   :-(

>  * when in a location where the apt-proxy is not reachable, i receive
>    emails every so often re: "E: Connection refused - Connection
>    refused".  while a valid complaint this is a known issue that i
>    don't need to hear about and would like to be able to turn off.

Why do you use a proxy for HTTP in apt?
Are you forced to use a proxy (because direct HTTP connections are
disabled in your network), or do you just prefer to use a proxy
(perhaps in order to benefit from caching and similar features)?

If direct HTTP are allowed on your network, you could consider
disabling the use of the proxy for apt-listbugs, by setting

  Acquire::http::Proxy::bugs.debian.org "DIRECT";

in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10apt-listbugs

This should make apt-listbugs bypass the proxy for its BTS queries.
Please see the apt-listbugs(1) man page.

> i am uncertain why these emails seems to have just started in the past
> few days. afaik the only possibly relevant change i made was to update
> Acquire::http::Proxy to a fqdn. please let me know if you would prefer
> a new bug report as this may be only tangentially related to this
> particular bug (while solution of an "off switch" is the same).

No need for a separate bug report, at least for the time being.

> thanks in advance.

You are welcome!

 There's not a second to spare! To the laboratory!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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