I see the same issue about invalid permissions of /var/log/apt-cacher-ng
when installing the latest package on bookworm.

I installed it multiple times on this VM before without this issue, not
sure why it started to fail in this way now.

Somehow the /var/log/apt-cacher-ng directory has owner = "root", no manual
intervention was done as far as I am aware.

When apt-cacher-ng package is installed it fails with the error about
permission on /var/log/apt-cacher-ng folder.

Could it be some sort of regression via some other package which adjusts
permission of files in /var/log?

apt-cacher-ng does not seem to have had any release lately so no regression

Could either the installation of the package perform a check and fix or the
systemd service could adjust access rights during startup to make
apt-cacher-ng more robust against such invalid permissions?

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