Control: retitle -1 coreutils: pr: -ien don't accept characters for tab 
override, only bytes

Same applies to -n, of course.
-- >8 --
$ printf '%s\n' a b c | pr -fna

2023-04-25 22:26                                                  Page 1


$ printf '%s\n' a b c | pr -fną
pr: '-n' extra characters or invalid number in the argument: ‘\205’
Try 'pr --help' for more information.
-- >8 --

Funnily enough, -s is fine since, as an extension, it uses the entire
option-argument instead of the first character.

Taking everything before the first digit in -ien as the [char]
would match the -s extension and is much simpler than mbrtowc()ing
optarg. It's also probably correct for most encodings? So that's a plus.


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