Control: tag -1 -pending

Nicholas D Steeves <> writes:

> David Bremner <> writes:
>> I agree that markdown file looks innocuous, but do you know if it is
>> just this file or any markdown file?
> This bug appears to be native-comp related.  After cherry picking three
> commits from upstream, I was able to generate a toc for the md snippet
> in the initial but report.  In the time it took to reply to this bug,
> native-comp occurred, and generate-toc began to fail again.  I purged
> the eln cache and tried again, and it succeeded...

I also confirmed that both the patched version (in the staging branch)
and unpatched version (in bookworm) work correctly with

when one loads markdown-toc and generates the toc before native comp
kicks in.

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