On Mon, May 29, 2023 at 02:15:55PM -0700, Brian Vaughan wrote:
> Yes, that's what it starts with.
> Metadata-Version: 2.1
> Name: python-lsp-black
> Version: 1.2.1
> [...]

OK, so the bug lies elsewhere....  pkg_resources complains about an
invalid version.  Let's see if we can locate it....

Does this command return anything?

rgrep v0.9.4.4-ds-git20221205-12a9702d29ab /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages

(For any pedants reading this bug report: yes, '.' is a wildcard and
ought to be escaped, but there is unlikely to be anything that matches
this regex other than an actual '.'.)

Best wishes,


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