On Tue, 13 Jun 2023 08:39:24 -0700 Russ Allbery <r...@debian.org> wrote:
> Sean Whitton <spwhit...@spwhitton.name> writes:
> > I still find myself feeling queasy about adding this must-with-
> > It feels like with the caveat you're trying to get something
> > "must" and "should", but then rather than build down from "must",
> > not build up from "should"?  I would like to propose:
> >     Maintainers should strongly prefer using other overriding
> >     mechanisms, instead of diversions, whenever those other
> >     are sufficient to accomplish the same goal.  In other words,
> >     diversions in packages should be considered a last resort.
> This sounds good to me.  The argument for building up from should
> of down from must seems compelling.

That essentially means it's fine to use diversions and ship releases
using them, so that's exactly what will happen as per Murphy's law.

> I think that this accomplishes everything, in terms of guidance for
> our
> maintainers, that the must-with-caveat wording does.  But it avoids
> saying that using diversions over a native mechanism in and of itself
> renders a package RC-buggy, which doesn't seem right to me.
> My own experience with diversions is limited, and so I accept that I
> may
> well be naively underestimating the badness of the edge cases.

Why would it not be RC-buggy? Not RC-buggy means we are happy if it
ships in a release. What does that buy us? Why wouldn't we want to
direct maintainers toward the better alternative, that is current
practice as of today, and instead let them reintroduce a mechanism that
we agree is inferior and was just removed from the distribution?

Kind regards,
Luca Boccassi

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