Source: python-xarray
Version: 2023.06.0-1
Severity: serious
Tags: ftbfs
Justification: FTBFS

Dear Maintainer,

Your package FTBFS on the buildds:

 Notebook error:
 CellExecutionError in examples/ERA5-GRIB-example.ipynb:
 ds = xr.tutorial.load_dataset("era5-2mt-2019-03-uk.grib", engine="cfgrib")
 [0;31mPermissionError[0m                           Traceback (most recent call 
 File [0;32m/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pooch/[0m, in 
[0;36mmake_local_storage[0;34m(path, env)[0m
 [1;32m    255[0m     [38;5;66;03m# When running in parallel, it's possible 
that multiple jobs will[39;00m
 [1;32m    256[0m     [38;5;66;03m# try to create the path at the same time. 
Use exist_ok to avoid[39;00m
 [1;32m    257[0m     [38;5;66;03m# raising an error.[39;00m
 [0;32m--> 258[0m     
 [1;32m    259[0m [38;5;28;01melse[39;00m:
 File [0;32m<frozen os>:215[0m, in [0;36mmakedirs[0;34m(name, mode, exist_ok)[0m
 File [0;32m<frozen os>:215[0m, in [0;36mmakedirs[0;34m(name, mode, exist_ok)[0m
 File [0;32m<frozen os>:225[0m, in [0;36mmakedirs[0;34m(name, mode, exist_ok)[0m
 [0;31mPermissionError[0m: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/sbuild-nonexistent'
 The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
 [0;31mPermissionError[0m                           Traceback (most recent call 
 Cell [0;32mIn [2], line 1[0m
 [0;32m----> 1[0m ds [38;5;241m=[39m 
 File [0;32m/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/xarray/[0m, in 
[0;36mload_dataset[0;34m(*args, **kwargs)[0m
 [1;32m    169[0m [38;5;28;01mdef[39;00m 
[38;5;241m*[39m[38;5;241m*[39mkwargs) [38;5;241m-[39m[38;5;241m>[39m Dataset:
 [1;32m    170[0m [38;5;250m    [39m[38;5;124;03m"""[39;00m
 [1;32m    171[0m [38;5;124;03m    Open, load into memory, and close a dataset 
from the online repository[39;00m
 [1;32m    172[0m [38;5;124;03m    (requires internet).[39;00m
 [0;32m   (...)[0m
 [1;32m    204[0m [38;5;124;03m    load_dataset[39;00m
 [1;32m    205[0m [38;5;124;03m    """[39;00m
 [0;32m--> 206[0m     [38;5;28;01mwith[39;00m 
[38;5;28;01mas[39;00m ds:
 [1;32m    207[0m         [38;5;28;01mreturn[39;00m ds[38;5;241m.[39mload()
 File [0;32m/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/xarray/[0m, in 
[0;36mopen_dataset[0;34m(name, cache, cache_dir, engine, **kws)[0m
 [1;32m    157[0m     url [38;5;241m=[39m 
 [1;32m    159[0m [38;5;66;03m# retrieve the file[39;00m
 [0;32m--> 160[0m filepath [38;5;241m=[39m 
 [1;32m    161[0m ds [38;5;241m=[39m _open_dataset(filepath, 
engine[38;5;241m=[39mengine, [38;5;241m*[39m[38;5;241m*[39mkws)
 [1;32m    162[0m [38;5;28;01mif[39;00m [38;5;129;01mnot[39;00m cache:
 File [0;32m/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pooch/[0m, in 
[0;36mretrieve[0;34m(url, known_hash, fname, path, processor, downloader, 
 [1;32m    220[0m [38;5;66;03m# Create the local data directory if it doesn't 
already exist and make the[39;00m
 [1;32m    221[0m [38;5;66;03m# path absolute.[39;00m
 [1;32m    222[0m path [38;5;241m=[39m cache_location(path, 
 [0;32m--> 223[0m [43mmake_local_storage[49m[43m([49m[43mpath[49m[43m)[49m
 [1;32m    225[0m full_path [38;5;241m=[39m path[38;5;241m.[39mresolve() 
[38;5;241m/[39m fname
 [1;32m    226[0m action, verb [38;5;241m=[39m download_action(full_path, 
 File [0;32m/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pooch/[0m, in 
[0;36mmake_local_storage[0;34m(path, env)[0m
 [1;32m    269[0m [38;5;28;01mif[39;00m env [38;5;129;01mis[39;00m 
[38;5;129;01mnot[39;00m [38;5;28;01mNone[39;00m:
 [1;32m    270[0m     message[38;5;241m.[39mappend(
 [1;32m    271[0m         [38;5;124mf[39m[38;5;124m"[39m[38;5;124mUse 
environment variable 
 to specify a different location.[39m[38;5;124m"[39m
 [1;32m    272[0m     )
 [0;32m--> 273[0m [38;5;28;01mraise[39;00m 
[39m[38;5;124m"[39m[38;5;241m.[39mjoin(message)) [38;5;28;01mfrom[39;00m 
 [0;31mPermissionError[0m: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/sbuild-nonexistent' 
| Pooch could not create data cache folder 
'/sbuild-nonexistent/.cache/xarray_tutorial_data'. Will not be able to download 
data files.
 PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/sbuild-nonexistent' | Pooch 
could not create data cache folder 
'/sbuild-nonexistent/.cache/xarray_tutorial_data'. Will not be able to download 
data files.
 You can ignore this error by setting the following in
     nbsphinx_allow_errors = True
 make[2]: *** [Makefile:58: html] Error 2

The build must not write to $HOME.

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