Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Thomas Weingartner <>

  Package name    : flooxs
  Version         : v2022
  Upstream Contact: Thomas Weingartner <>
  URL             :
  License         : Custom, license is included in package
  Programming Lang: Tcl/Tk, C/C++
  Description     : The Florida Object-Oriented 
Process/Device/Reliability/Superconductor Simulator (FLOOXS) is an open source 
TCAD tool.

FLOOXS is a Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD) tool used for semiconductor 
process modeling and semiconductor device modeling that will descretize and 
solve a set of partial and ordinary differential equations on a 1, 2 or 3D mesh 
using numerical methods such as the Finite Element Method (FEM) and the Finite 
Volume Method (FVM). FLOOXS is built in C++, and uses several well-known math 
packages such as BLAS, LAPACK, and SuiteSparse to handle the linear algebra. 
The user-interface is command-line tcl (tool control language), a scripting 
language, with additional FLOOXS-specific Alagator commands added in.

This package is one of a small number of tools that provide an open source TCAD 
This package is not a dependency for other packages and no other package
provides similar functionality to my knowledge. We are a small team of
developers, but maintaining this package should not be an issue since we
release infrequent updates and are not used as a dependency for any
other packages. Getting flooxs into the debian package system (and
ultimately ubuntu) will allow students ease of install for educational

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