On 20/07/2023 18.54, Eriberto Mota wrote:
Thanks a lot for spotting this issue. My current (emergency) plans:

1. Reopening the bug #1039103 and make it as wontfix, quoting #1040860.
no need to wontfix, we will just postpone the proper fix a bit
2. Reverting the changes in Sid.
better keep the changes for now, that should make it easier to recover sid from the mishandled conffile ...
3. Asking to Release Team how to proceed (is possible to drop the PU or
    need I to send a new PU as a revision to revert the changes?).
IIRC it is possible to (temporary) cancel a PU request (by not letting it migrate from stable-proposed-updates to stable) ...
4. Making a new PU if needed.
... and replace it with a fixed one later

You probably need to rattle on the release team's door s.t. they take some action before it is too late ...


PS: I'll be mostly afk next week ... will look into it thereafter

PPS: raw sketch for a better solution:
- use dpkg-maintscript-helper rm_conffile to get rid of the old one (if unmodified) or rename it to .dpkg-backup (if modified) - if the .dpkg-backup exists, and the new conffile is still unmodified, replace it
(unfortunately it's now too late for using dpkg-maintscript-helper mv_conffile)


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