Hi Aleksi,

FTP Admins <ftp-...@acc.umu.se> can probably set you up with push
triggers.  Otherwise, the latest ftpsync versions come with a wrapper
script called ftpsync-cron, which is intended to be run out of cron
every hour or so (at a randomish offset).  The script monitors your
upstream mirror, and if there was an update triggers a full sync using
ftpsync.  You might want to give it a try.

Regarding HTTPS, feel free to set it up for non-debian.org names, that's
generally a good idea.


On Mon, Jul 17, 2023 at 01:31:53PM +0300, Debian Mirror at TREX wrote:
> Hi,
> The Tampere University of Technology hosted ftp.fi.debian.org for a long
> time. I was also involved with it, but close to a decade ago the university
> decided to discontinue the service. I've been looking for somewhere to host
> its replacement, and this debian.web.trex.fi is finally it.
> In other words, once the mirror is accepted, I'd like to ask you to point
> ftp.fi.debian.org at it. I've already configured the name as a ServerAlias.
> Right now I'm running ftpsync every four hours, which I realise is
> suboptimal. Who do I contact for push trigger config? Someone at
> mirror.accum.se aka ftp.acc.umu.se?
> What is the current HTTPS policy? Should I configure certbot to fetch Let's
> Encrypt certificates for the mirror's vhosts?
> Best Regards,
> -- 
>       +358 44 9756548 / http://www.trex.fi/
>       Aleksi Suhonen / TREX Regional Exchanges Oy
>       You say "potato", I say "closest-exit."

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