tags 365533 pending

On Thu, 2006-05-18 at 05:21 +0200, Moritz Muehlenhoff wrote:
> > W.r.t. unstable, I will look into that very soon, we'll need to be
> > upgrading to a new upstream aswell. I'll check whether that can be done
> > in the short term, if not, I'll prepare a patched package.
> Ok, thanks.

Thanks for fixing stable. I've also prepared a fix for sid now. The
difference with the previous version in sid is the same patch as for
sarge, plus I've added a debconf translation.

Problem is that Jeroen announced that he's on a trip through Mexico now,
so I'm left without someone to upload. Maybe the (testing) security team
or any other DD interested in getting this bug fixed, can take a look
and upload?

Please find the updated packages here:

Packages have been tested and work here.


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