Hello Nicholas,

> They're about the same for me.  Honestly I'd prefer to do a git
> at this time, and save the GPG key discussion for your next upload. 
> We can use dput and mentors then, and I think we'll both agree that 
> we've both worked hard enough for this first upload haha.

Indeed, it was quite a lot of work, but it is for a good cause ! :)

> At this point, please do a "dch -r" and ensure that the changelog
> is refinalised; this will update the date stamp.  Hint: you may have
> make do a noop edit like <space>+<backspace> to make this work
> Commit the new changelog entry with a message like:
> And push that to the remote we're using for your MR.  Then make an
> annotated and optionally GPG signed tag.  I like to use "gbp tag" for
> this, but you can use whatever method you prefer.  Please make sure 
> the annotated tag is on the master branch and not a detached head.  
> Let me know, and I'll review, and upload when everything looks good,
> as it no doubt will.

I've commited and pushed the changes to the remote I was using for the
MR so far:

But I think I may have not commited where I was supposed to, granted
you've already closed the MR. I've already created a GPG signed tag
accessible at:

The commit is not visible in the previous MR:

Is there something I've glanced over here ?
Otherwhise, the commit & tag are per your requirements.

> Cheers,
> Nicholas

Have a great day !
Alexandru Mihail

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