Thanks for your explanations. Answers inline:

On Sun, 3 Sept 2023 at 22:55, Simon McVittie <> wrote:

> On Sun, 03 Sep 2023 at 20:25:52 +0200, Michael Stapelberg wrote:
> >     If I'm reading its code correctly, I think i3-wm asks the display
> manager
> >     to set XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP to "i3"?
> >
> > I don’t know what code you’re referring to.
> > I don’t recall i3 asking any display manager anything, but maybe I’m
> missing
> > something?
> i3-wm_4.22-2/share/xsessions/i3.desktop contains DesktopNames=i3, which is
> how you ask a display manager to set XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=i3 when running
> the command defined in i3.desktop as an X11 session.

Ah, understood. Apparently, this line was needed for gdm, at least per the
2016 changelog entry.

> > i3 isn’t a desktop environment, it’s a window manager only.
> It's behaving like a (very small) desktop environment to the extent that
> it installs a file in /usr/share/xsessions, which results in it appearing
> in the menu of possible session types in display managers like gdm,
> lightdm or sddm.

Are you saying only desktop environments may install to the xsessions

If so, what is the mechanism for window managers to show up in the display
manager menu?

> > I’m also not familiar with what these xdg portals are, and I don’t think
> I’m
> > using them (yet)?
> I don't expect that i3 uses them, but some of the applications that users
> run within an i3 session are going to be using them.
> The most prominent use is that sandboxed Flatpak and Snap apps make D-Bus
> calls to xdg-desktop-portal to get things like File -> Open and File ->
> Save As dialogs, ask to open URLs or files outside the sandbox, pop up
> notifications, take screenshots and other outside-sandbox actions.
> xdg-desktop-portal implements all those things by passing on the request
> to a backend such as xdg-desktop-portal-gtk, which can be desktop-specific.
> Non-sandboxed apps are starting to use the same portal mechanism to do
> things that are otherwise hard to do in a desktop-independent way, like
> screenshots, screen-sharing and remote-desktop.
> > I don’t want to make the choice of whether gtk or qt should be used for
> parts
> > of a user’s desktop.
> ...
> > I think for the case of i3, the defaults should be fine, so I would
> prefer not
> > to add this config file.
> When we stop patching xdg-desktop-portal to hard-code its GTK backend
> as a fallback, the default will be to use no portal backends at all,
> which means the apps I described above will try and fail to make use of
> those desktop features, unless the user has written a portals.conf(5)
> of their own (which they can always do anyway, and it will overrule the
> desktop environment's choices).

Uhm, why would we actively remove the fallback?
I don’t understand the logic behind that.
It seems like a decision that will leave users worse off, for no benefit?

> I'm aware that i3 is quite an "assemble it yourself" environment, so
> perhaps users of i3 would expect to have to write their own configuration
> to make things like this work? If that's the case then this could be
> closed as "won't fix".

I would interpret the lack of a config file as “just make a reasonable
choice for me”,
so I would say users expect portals to work, in some unspecified way.

I would certainly be surprised if portals just didn’t work,
when they could just fall back to the gtk implementation.

Best regards,

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