Sean Whitton wrote on 11/09/2023 18:59:
control: severity -1 normal
control: tag -1 + moreinfo


On Sun 10 Sep 2023 at 01:15pm +02, Jörg-Volker Peetz wrote:

on my system each newly started emacs process does native-compilation of
all used modules, even the ones already compiled by previous processes.
Is this to be expected?
As I see it, the cached native-compiled modules should be re-used.
Do I have to configure something for that?

It's not expected.  But we will need more precise steps to reproduce to
do anything about it.

thanks for looking into this.
From a terminal (rxvt-unicode) running my shell (mksh) I start emacs
(emacs-lucid). After about 15 seconds the following warnings appear:

 ■  Warning (comp): debian-el.el:90:26: Warning: reference to free variable ‘di\
 ■  Warning (comp): debian-el.el:90:26: Warning: reference to free variable ‘di\
 ■  Warning (comp): debian-el.el:95:35: Warning: docstring has wrong usage of u\
nescaped single quotes (use \= or different quoting)
 ■  Warning (comp): mmm-vars.el:869:2: Warning: defvar `mmm-classes-alist' docs\
tring has wrong usage of unescaped single quotes (use \= or different quoting)
 ■  Warning (comp): mmm-auto.el:168:2: Warning: docstring has wrong usage of un\
escaped single quotes (use \= or different quoting)

I stop emacs (C-x C-c) and start the next emacs. And again, after about the same
time the same warnings appear.
As I understand it, the second emacs is re-compiling the modules mentioned in
the warnings (and others, as can be seen in the eln-cache directory).

This happens also when calling `emacs -nw`.

init.el is appended.

Best regards,
;;; Init File for GNU Emacs
;;; Sep 2023

;;; Set eln-cache dir
(when (boundp 'native-comp-eln-load-path)
  (setcar native-comp-eln-load-path
          (expand-file-name "~/.cache/emacs-eln-cache/" user-emacs-directory)))

;;; Don't show emacs startup screen
(setq inhibit-startup-screen t)

;;; Change mail directory path
(setq message-directory (concat user-emacs-directory "mail/"))

;;; Turn off tool bar
(if (> emacs-major-version 20) (tool-bar-mode 0))

;;; Scroll bar on the right side of frames
(cond (window-system (set-scroll-bar-mode 'right)))

;;; Scroll bar colors (see M-x list-colors-display)
(set-face-attribute 'scroll-bar nil :foreground '"navy" :background '"ivory2")

;;; Let `display-buffer' make a separate frame
(setq pop-up-frames "graphic-only")

;;; Display date and time in the mode line
(setq display-time-string-forms
      '(monthname " " day " " 24-hours ":" minutes ))
(setq display-time-interval '3)

;;; As default make indentation from spaces only
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)

;;; Turn on "parenthesis matching" mode
(show-paren-mode t)

;;; Make certain buffers appear in special frames
(setq special-display-regexps
      '("\\*compilation\\*" "\\*[mM]an.*\\*"))
(setq special-display-frame-alist
      '((height . 40) (width . 80) (unsplittable . f)))

;;; Set Fortran line number indent to zero
(add-hook 'fortran-mode-hook
          '(lambda () (setq fortran-line-number-indent 0)))

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