Package: debian-edu-config
Version: 2.12.36

On the main server logs from the client and ltsp networks could be logged to 
files. These files could then be rotated on fixed sizes¹ in order to prevent the
/var/log-Partition from filling up. The UDP and TCP input modules both only
allow a global rate limit which is not helpful here and I haven't seen a way to
apply per-host rate limits in the rsyslog docs. However, since rsyslog
v8.2012.0 the forwarding output module supports rate limits² and since we trust
the client, a per-host limit can be implemented by setting RateLimit.Interval
and RateLimit.Burst there. This also allows for stricter rate limits compared 
to what
is kept locally (either via journald or rsyslog configuration).


Guido Berhoerster

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