On Tue, 12 Sep 2023 21:59:46 -0300 Emmanuel Arias <eam...@yaerobi.com> wrote:

I can confirm that the next 4 tests needs internet to work:

* tests/installation/test_installer.py::test_installer_with_pypi_repository
* tests/installation/test_chef.py::test_prepare_directory_editable
* tests/installation/test_chef.py::test_prepare_directory
* tests/installation/test_chef.py::test_prepare_directory_with_extensions

I will thank you if you can tell me how run in a not internet builder.
My solution was just disconnect my RJ-45 from the computer to test the
no internet because I didn't found a solution from autopkgtest or sbuild

Uploading in an Ubuntu ppa is the quicker way to test this :)

Probably you can export some non-existing proxy but I don't know if this works 
or not with the code.
I also unplug RJ-45 or export some iptables during build:

sudo iptables -P OUTPUT DROP

sudo iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT

But I don't know how much this can work or disrupt Debian builders.



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