Le mar. 3 oct. 2023 à 16:21, Marc Haber
<mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de> a écrit :
> On systemd systems, aide already uses a systemd timer. Given that the
> users of other init systems have to do manual work anyway, I intend to
> fully drop the cron dependency with one of the next uploads.
> Is that the right thing to do from your point of view, and would you
> recommend doing so?

I don't recommend breaking non-systemd systems.

I guess it's better for them a cron job with sane defaults than nothing.

> > (this is a list of cron job that does
> >  "[ -d /run/systemd/system ] && exit 0")
> As my cron job is using a slightly different idiom, would I make things
> easier for you if I wrote "[ -d /run/systemd/system ] && exit 0"
> explicitly instad of my if construct?

This old idea was dropped in the upstream project altogether
because it was growing in a full blown bash AST parser.


And thank you

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