
Thanks fir your bugreport.
This is an issuse of the Nextcloud itself and not about the packaging. So 
please look into the upstream bugtracker:
and report your bug there, if you don't find any matching one. Or even provide 
a bugfix/merge request ;)

If you found or open a bugreport that matches please send this url to this 
bugreport, so we can track the upstream status and may backport the fix, if 
there is any.

Best regards,



> After upgrading to Debian Bookworm from Bullseye, nextcloud-desktop
> erroneously opens it's main popup window in the dead center of the screen
> when a user logs in to an XFCE session.
> Closing the window normally, by clicking outside of the window, does not
> work.
> Instead the user must either input the Alt-F4 combination. Or click on the
> tray icon once to move the window back under the tray icon, (Where it
> should appear normally.) and again to close the window. This has to be done
> on every login regardless of reboots.
> Also, if the user has configured items to be excluded from sync (such as
> files that are too big for the destination, server files on external
> storage, etc.) nextcloud-desktop will also start sending notifications
> about them prompting the user to configure the app despite having already
> made their configuration choice. This too happens on every login, but can
> be disabled by disabling notifications from the app.
> As an additional note, when I upgraded from Bullseye, the nextcloud-desktop
> package was uninstalled due to a package conflict. I reinstalled it after
> the upgrade was complete without the conflict occuring again.

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