On 2023-10-11, Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues wrote:
> installing u-boot-menu does not create /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf. Is
> there a reason for that? It gets triggered as expected when kernels get
> installed or upgraded but the postinst does not contain a codepath that
> gets triggered just on installation. So right now, after installing
> u-boot-menu I have to manually run u-boot-update. I shouldn't have to do
> that, right?

I agree that it seems reasonable to expect it to run on package
installation or upgrade, sure!

It would be nice to avoid running it multiple times in a single apt run,
e.g. upgrading the kernel and/or initramfs-tools and u-boot-menu at the
same time... but it also is not hugely resource intensive to
occasionally run it multiple times if that is too complicated to
implement. That might end up causing any backup files to get
obliterated, though.

live well,

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