I really hate to do this, but I have spent hours constructing test cases and poring over the code and I can't reproduce this or figure out how it happened, so I need to ask... can you both please check your /var/log/dpkg.log and make 100% certain that you had apt-listchanges 4.1 (not 4.0) installed before the apt run which showed you old changelog entries? Before I spend even more time pulling my hair out trying to figure out how this happened I need to make absolutely sure it really happened in 4.1, not 4.0. Thanks.

On 10/11/23 15:45, Niko Sandschneider wrote:
I see similar issues with apt-listchanges 4.1 while updating several
other packages:

For the curl update from 8.3.0-2 to 8.3.0-3 apt-listchanges shows all
changes starting from curl 7.65.1-1.

For the debianutils update from 5.13 to 5.14  apt-listchanges shows all
changes starting from debianutils

For the firefox update from 118.0-1 to 118.0.2-1 apt-listchanges shows
all changes starting from firefox 68.0-1.

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