oh, well, thanks for analysing that.
Sorry, I didn't notice the change myself.

Am 25.10.23 um 16:24 schrieb Andreas Metzler:
On 2023-10-23 SerNet Support Kevin Ivory <supp...@sernet.de> wrote:
That binary does not fix the problem of quote with space included:

# /usr/sbin/exim4 -be '${run{/usr/bin/echo ${quote:hello world}}}'
Failed: Expansion of "${quote:hello" from command "/usr/bin/echo ${quote:hello 
world}" in ${run} expansion failed: missing } at end of string

${run expansion changed in 4.96:
"If the option preexpand is not used, the command string is split into
individual arguments by spaces and then each argument is expanded."

         /usr/bin/echo ${quote:hello world}
is split into
and the second string yields an expansion error.
/usr/sbin/exim4 -be '${run,preexpand{/usr/bin/echo ${quote:hello world}}}'
to get the old behavior.

Beste Grüße
Kevin Ivory (SerNet Support)
SerNet GmbH, Bahnhofsallee 1b, 37081 Göttingen
phone: 0551-370000-0, mailto:kont...@sernet.de
Gesch.F.: Dr. Johannes Loxen und Reinhild Jung
AG Göttingen: HR-B 2816 - http://www.sernet.de
Datenschutz: https://www.sernet.de/datenschutz

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