Philip Hands <> writes:
> Could this be related to #1051543?
> I'll try testing D-I while using the patch from that bug, to see if that 
> helps.

It seems (to me at least) that the patch there does not apply usefully
to the version we're talking about, so I'll leave it to people that know
more about grub & XFS to look further.


BTW the jobs where this failure first occured are:


and the immediately previous working jobs are these:


In the jobs you can see a 'Logs & Assets' tab, where you can find e.g.
the syslog from the D-I run.

Here's the one from the first BIOS failure:

One thing I notice when comparing that to the matching successful log:

is that they both include a block of lines like:

   grub-installer: Unknown device "/dev/vda1": No such device

so that's just noise by the looks of it, since it was also saying that
when it was working.

I've since slightly reorganised the openQA jobs, to have a job that only
differs from the normal minimal install by the selection of XFS, so if
you want to see currently failing jobs, they will be the ones called
nonGUI_XFS@64bit & nonGUI_XFS (for BIOS & UEFI installs, respectively)
in this overview:


Cheers, Phil.
Philip Hands --

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