Control: retitle -1 intel-graphics-compiler: FTBFS in bookworm with 
intel-vc-intrinsics-dev 0.11

On 13/11/2023 11.49, Santiago Vila wrote:
Package: src:intel-graphics-compiler
Version: 1.0.12504.6-1

During a rebuild of all packages in bookworm, this package failed to build
with the following error:

vcb: ./GenXIntrinsics/lib/GenXIntrinsics/GenXIntrinsics.cpp:476: bool llvm::GenXIntrinsic::isSupport edPlatform(const std::string&, unsigned int): Assertion `SupportedIntrinsics.find(CPU) != SupportedI
ntrinsics.end() && "Unknown Platform"' failed.

Reproducible here, too.

Comparing the buildd logfile (2022-12-08) with mine yields a possible

-Setting up intel-vc-intrinsics-dev:amd64 (0.8.1-1) ...
+Setting up intel-vc-intrinsics-dev:amd64 (0.11.0-1) ...


Verified that building in current bookworm with intel-vc-intrinsics-dev
downgraded to 0.8.1 works fine, while it FTBFS with 0.11.0
(there were no intel-vc-intrinsics uploads between these two versions)


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