Control: tag -1 - wontfix

On Thu, 30 Nov 2023 at 00:22:45 +0100, Guilhem Moulin wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Nov 2023 at 00:13:44 +0100, Dmitry Katsubo wrote:
>> For the subsequent calls I ma not sure – I've got an impression that
>> this service is run only once at system startup.
> No, it's supposed to run once a day at 00:05 local time, see the
> associated .timer unit.
> If the impact is only that the first run after a reboot or during a
> RDBMS restart fails, then I don't think it's worth trying to fix the
> race.  The service might fail for various other reasons, but as long as
> garbage doesn't pile up forever (i.e., as long as it doesn't *always*
> fail) this is not an issue.

Thinking more about it, the easiest and least disruptive solution would
be to set ‘Persistent=false’ in the .timer units, after all there is no
reason to clean the DB ASAP after boot.  The old cron jobs wait until
the next calendar occurrence, and it makes sense to align the .timer
units on that behavior.

The race condition is still present, but at least booting a system
that's been down for a long while won't show any failure in the
`systemctl status` output.


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