Am Fri, Dec 01, 2023 at 08:38:55AM +0300 schrieb Igor B. Poretsky:
> Hello Tobias,
> >>>>> "Tobias" == Tobias Frost <> writes:
>     Tobias> You should be able to just re-upload to mentors. If it does
>     Tobias> not allow that, remove the package manually from mentors,
>     Tobias> then re-upload. In the case a bot auto-close this RFS bug,
>     Tobias> just manually re-open it (do not file a new one)
> Indeed, I've done it without a problem. Thus, I've re-uploaded all my
> packages, not only Multispeech. And, since the issues listed are actual
> for other my packages as well, I tried to address them their as well.
>     Tobias> On further iterations, you keep at -1 until this is
>     Tobias> sponsored.

> But some things should be fixed on the upstream level. Of course, I can
> do it with Debian patches, but is it a point when I am an upstream
> developer myself? How should I act in this situation?

The "-1" is the Debian revision; it is orthogonal to the upstream
version, (except the rules where it resets to usually -1, of course)

If you have fixes that goes into the upstream part, as upsream you can
always cut a new release, that will increase its version; that would
reset the Debian revision generally to -1.
If you for whatever reason don't want to make a new upstream release,
you can as well work with patches, in this case, you would increment the
debian revision *if the previous revision have been uploaded previously.

(Note that the "keep at -1" from my previous mail is meant for this RFS,
it is meant "don't change it until sponsored", in other words, if you
have another upload (after this has been sponsored), lets say "-2", you
would keep "-2" until the RFS is sponsored. Sorry if that caused

BTW, not sure if I pointed you to this document alraeady, but when
you are upstream as well, you should read this:


> Best regards,
> Igor.

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