On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 00:50:36 +0200
        Harri Haataja <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > All other packages seem to fill, but gauche-gl uses 0.8.3.
 > I suppose this is some kind of an api version mixup in the builds.
 > I'm afraid I can't figure out what, if anything, README.Debian is
 > saying about this.
 > Any way, it would be nice to be able to load the extension like the
 > docs say. Or at least have this and a workaround explained in the docs.

Sorry for your inconvenience.  Let me explain the sisutation.

YAEGASHI Takeshi has tried to upload newer gauche 0.8.3, and we talked
that the impact will be minimum when we upload together newer gauche
and packages which depends on gauche at the same time.

I built gauche-gl and gauche-gtk with newer gauche (0.8.3), and asked
Takeshi to upload them.

However, with new upload policy, newer gauche has put into new queue
because of the change of packaging (split to -dbm, -dev, and -doc
packages), while only gauche-gtk and gauche-gl went normally.

So, we intended less impact, but in fact, caused the mess.

I should have waited the newer gauche upload, and I should have
specified build dependency and/or dependency to newer gauche.

I wish the newer gauche will be available soon.  Then, this bug
will be closed.

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