From ntpdate (the wrapper):
# Known bugs:
# * The -e and -p options of ntpdate are not yet implemented.
# * ntpdate took 4 samples and chose the best (shortest trip time).
#   This takes the first.

I suppose there are maybe 4 options here:

A) Do nothing.
B) Change adjtimex to not pass -p.
C) Change ntpdate to accept -p but ignore it. Currently, it gives an
   error message of "-p is no longer supported." as you saw.
D) Have the wrapper repeatedly calling ntpdig and... then what?
E) Actually implement support for this in ntpdig and pass the flag

Obviously A is the null option, and we are looking for something better.

I don't love C, as that silently eats an option rather than being explicit that it doesn't do anything.

D is terrible, so I'm going to veto that one.

I'm not personally interested in implementing E, but I don't see why I'd reject a patch if someone else was interested.

Regarding B, it turns out that -p4 is being _added_ in adjtimex as a Debian patch: debian/patches/11-Fix-ntpdate-command.patch

That references this bug:

That is for the ntp ntpdate, not ntpsec-ntpdate.

@rosh, what do you think? Could you just remove 11-Fix-ntpdate-command.patch? That would fix adjtimex.


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