On 11/12/2023 14:20, Russell Coker wrote:
We have 2 different issues here.  The first one is a SEGV related to sqlite,
that might be a sqlite bug.  Have you tried writing a simple sqlite program or
using a sqlite utility to see if it also crashes?

Sorry, I have no ability to write such a program.

The issue being discussed now is separate.  As most of this bug report is now
about the other issue could you file a different bug just about the sqlite
side of things and we can then reassign it to sqlite if appropriate?

SIGBUS problem will go away in no time, as this has not come back since
I installed patch earlier today. Looks like this fixes it.
Tai, please import this 1 line change to Debian Stable, that would be
awesome if you could.

And now we can come back to the issue from my original report.
I am waiting for another crash to give you more information.

With kindest regards, Piotr.

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