
Am 13.12.23 um 16:19 schrieb Andreas Tille:
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Am Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 09:52:48PM +0100 schrieb Lucas Nussbaum:
/usr/bin/install: cannot stat './parallel_cheat_bw.pdf': No such file or 
This file is (re-)created via
    libreoffice --headless --convert-to pdf parallel_cheat_bw.fodt

Formerly this worked with the only Build-Depends
libreoffice-writer-nogui.  Possibly since latest upgrade of
libreoffice suite I had to add the following Build-Depends:

    libreoffice-java-common, ure-java, default-jre-headless
I don't see why. Writer document conversion doesn't need Java.
I admit the fact that default-jre-headless is no dependency of
libreoffice-java-common smells like a bug in the dependencies but well,
I have not enough insight here.

No, data shouldn't depend on a JRE. Neither should libraries per Java policy anyway.

Unfortunately this is not sufficient to recreate the pdf. I rather get

/build/parallel-20231122+ds/src # libreoffice --headless --convert-to pdf 
Error: source file could not be loaded

inside the pbuilder environment where I'm building the package.
However, if I try on my local (testing!) system I get:

.../parallel/src(master) $ libreoffice --headless --convert-to pdf 
convert .../parallel/src/parallel_cheat_bw.fodt as a Writer document -> 
.../parallel/src/parallel_cheat_bw.pdf using filter : writer_pdf_Export

so the conversion is working.  This pretty much sounds like some
additional missing build depends which is installed in my more
or less functional desktop installation of libreoffice.  Rene,
do you have some idea what Build-Depends might be missing in my
pbuilder chroot to let the convert process work properly?

Probably you have -core installed? See





Kind regards

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