> …skipping binNMUs ?

The "spec" I drafted probably forgot some more cases as well, hence
good to have a issue open for a while to collect feedback/ideas to
further refine the logic and capture corner cases :)

> Somewhat related is /usr/share/doc/git-buildpackage/examples/gbp-upload
> which helps to ensure that tags end up in the blessed repo when doing an
> upload.

Thanks for pointing it out, I hadn't read that and other scripts at
https://github.com/agx/git-buildpackage/tree/master/examples before.

Currently in my own workflow I gbp tag and push tags only after the
ftp-master confirmation email arrives and I know the upload was
accepted, so the gbp-upload script is a bit too simplistic for my use.
In general however I am hugely in favour of automatic recurring,
mechanical and error prone Debian packaging work steps like these so
DDs can focus their time on more complex cases. I hope I can
contribute something useful to git-buildpackage.

Thanks Guido for coming up with gbp in the first place! I have been
using it with all of my packages for almost 8+ years now.

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