Package: media-types
Version: 10.0.0

Currently /etc/mime.types has .es as first suffix associated with the text/javascript media type

text/javascript                                 es js mjs

I suggest to put the "es" extension last, or perhaps even to add text/ecmascript record for it. It would allow to avoid accidents like

python3 -c 'import mimetypes; print(mimetypes.guess_extension("text/javascript"))'

Certainly I expect the ".js" result.

My reading of RFC 9239 Updates to ECMAScript Media Types
is that ".es" is associated with the obsolete media type text/ecmascript, but not with text/javascript.

In Fedora /etc/mime.types has a record for text/ecmascript

XDG shared-mime-info has the application/ecmascript entry as well

I believe that obsolete mappings still have some value.

Please, consider

text/javascript                                 js mjs
text/ecmascript                                 es

or at least

text/javascript                                 js mjs es

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