Package: rust-doc
Version: 1.63.0+dfsg1-2

In /usr/share/doc/rust-doc/html/index.html is the following snippet of HTML:

<h2 id="the-cargo-book"><a href="#the-cargo-book">The Cargo Book</a></h2>
<p><a href="../../cargo-doc/doc/index.html">The Cargo Book</a> is a guide to 
Cargo, Rust’s build tool and dependency manager.</p>

This relative hyperlink resolves to the pathname
/usr/share/doc/cargo-doc/doc/index.html . But it's a broken link: no
such file exists in the 'cargo-doc' package, or as far as I can tell, in
any other package.

In fact, the 'cargo-doc' package puts most of its content in a
subdirectory of /usr/share/doc/cargo. The only things in
/usr/share/doc/cargo-doc are changelog and copyright files.


import hashlib; print((lambda p,q,g,y,r,s,m: (lambda w:(pow(g,int(hashlib.sha1(
and s%q!=0 and m)(12342649995480866419, 2278082317364501, 1670428356600652640,
5398151833726432125, 645223105888478, 1916678356240619, "<>"))

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