control: tag -1 + moreinfo unreproducible

> At first vdev_id is not in the search path but in /lib/udev/vdev_id. 
> Next, it doesn't find the config file /etc/zfs/vdev_id.conf when started 
> without options. It does find it however when this very path is given 
> explicitly like so:
> # /lib/udev/vdev_id -c /etc/zfs/vdev_id.conf

This is expected. This script should only be used by udev, not users.

> The instructions in the FAQ section of the openzfs docs state that the 
> command
> # udevadm trigger
> should create the /dev/disk/by-vdev directory and some symlinks in it.        

I tried some config with zfs 2.1.4 on bullseye. It worked as expected.

Run 'udevadm monitor' when you trigger the udevadm update might help.

Shengqi Chen

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