
On Wed, 17 May 2023, Christoph Berg wrote:
> Ever since, I've seen warnings from reprepro that the tracking
> database was missing references when copysrc'ing a new version into a
> distribution when the previous version in there had been binnmued. But
> since everything worked as expected, I didn't pay attention.
> Now I have been inspecting the pool directory more closely, and I
> found a lot of +b1.deb files that should long have been removed since
> they were replaced by newer versions, e.g.:

We have the same problem in Kali, our mirror is growing in size due to
files that are not removed properly. Many of the files were bin-NMU but
not exclusively.

We also have the issue with the binary packages from android-platform-tools
for example. And looking at this source package we can see that there's
a mismatch between the source version and the binary version. The rules
files uses `dh_gencontrol -p$PKG -- -v1:$(DEB_VERSION)` to add an epoch
to the binary packages which is not present in the source package.


So the problem seems to be generalized to all packages that have a
different version compared to the source packages (a few more packages
affected on our side: binutils-bpf, binutils-arm-none-eabi, many more
binutils-* in fact, linux with bpftool, bsdutils, llvm-defaults, gcc,

> The problem seems to never happen on *-pgdg-testing (which gets filled
> by processincoming), only on *-pgdg (which gets filled by copysrc), so
> I suspect the problem to be in that area.

On our side, we have a kali-rolling distribution that is built manually
out of kali-dev with many "reprepro copy" and "reprepro removefilter"
calls (the set of commands to run is built out of analysis of the current
distribution and the comparison with the "heidi" file generated by britney
which defines the desired end-state).

That it seems likely that the "copy" command is affected/involved as well.

In our case, both kali-rolling and kali-dev have "Tracking: minimal
includechanges includebyhand includebuildinfos" in conf/distributions.
kali-dev is updated with a "pull" rule that combines a mirror of debian
testing (created with an "update" rule) and of kali specific packages
(which are uploaded and installed via processincoming).

It would be nice to see this fixed. I'm happy to pitch a bounty or suggest
anyone to apply for https://salsa.debian.org/freexian-team/project-funding
to tackle a few long standing bugs/feature request on reprepro.

  ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀   Raphaël Hertzog <hert...@debian.org>
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