
and just for the record: the clamav signature file was apparently
updated (the previous version had a trailing newline) but not the gpg
signature. I contacted sanesecurity about it and they fixed the gpg

  Matthias Förste

  gnupg encrypted messages are welcome - key ID: 0F51DA21
  gnupg fingerprint: 590C 5DF1 C3B8 D072 555B  54F5 9363 2C80 0F51 DA21

  internet & unix support
  Heiko Schlittermann
  Tannenstraße 2 - 01099 Dresden
  Web: http://www.schlittermann.de/
  Tel.: +49 351 8029981
  Fax:  +49 351 8029983

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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