Dear all (and Bcc-ing the RM bugs),

For information, here is a list of packages that morph has either
requested removal of or orphaned.  If you are interested in taking one
or more of them on, that would be great!

Removal requested:

    #1066146 RM: flask-basicauth -- ROM; RC buggy, dead upstream, leaf package
    #1065141 RM: gmplot -- ROM; leaf package
    #1064947 RM: nb2plots -- ROM; leaf package
    #1065200 RM: overpass -- ROM; leaf package
    #1065199 RM: pprintpp -- ROM; leaf package
    #1065045 RM: pyannotate -- ROM; leaf package
    #1065201 RM: python-overpy -- ROM; leaf package
    #1065202 RM: python-ppmd -- ROM; leaf package
    #1064946 RM: sphinx-a4doc -- ROM; leaf package

Recently-orphaned packages (removing those in wnpp which have been
retitled "ITA") sorted alphabetically; these could, of course, be
brought into team maintenance.

    #1065235 O: basemap -- matplotlib toolkit to plot on map projections
    #1065243 O: colorspacious -- library for doing colorspace conversions
    #1065151 O: commonmark -- Python parser for the CommonMark Markdown spec
    #1065246 O: contourpy -- Python library for calculating contours of 2D 
quadrilateral grids
    #1065248 O: cppy -- C++ headers for (Python) C extension development
    #1065139 O: dot2tex -- Graphviz to LaTeX converter
    #1065140 O: fastkml -- fast KML processing
    #1065142 O: html5lib -- HTML parser/tokenizer based on the WHATWG HTML5 
    #1065244 O: kiwisolver -- fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint 
    #1065238 O: lazy-object-proxy -- Python 3 fast and thorough lazy object 
    #1065037 O: m2crypto -- Python wrapper for the OpenSSL library
    #1065325 O: matplotlib -- Python based plotting system
    #1065143 O: mkautodoc -- AutoDoc for MarkDown
    #1065042 O: mpl-sphinx-theme -- documentation for the mpl-sphinx-theme 
Python library
    #1065220 O: mpmath -- library for arbitrary-precision floating-point 
    #1065224 O: mysql-connector-python -- pure Python implementation of MySQL 
Client/Server protocol
    #1065198 O: networkx -- tool to create, manipulate and study complex 
    #1065329 O: numpy -- Fast array facility to the Python 3 language
    #1065221 O: py7zr -- pure Python 7-zip library
    #1065222 O: pychm -- Python binding for CHMLIB
    #1065231 O: pydot -- Python interface to Graphviz's dot
    #1065152 O: pygeoif -- basic implementation of the __geo_interface__
    #1065036 O: pyopenssl -- Python wrapper around the OpenSSL library
    #1065149 O: pyproject-metadata -- Dataclass for PEP 621 metadata with 
support for [core metadata] generation
    #1065223 O: pysimplesoap -- simple and lightweight SOAP Library
    #1064977 O: python-cryptography-vectors -- Test vectors for 
    #1065327 O: python-levenshtein -- extension for computing string 
similarities and edit distances
    #1065025 O: sphinx-book-theme -- clean book theme for scientific 
explanations and documentation with Sphinx
    #1065026 O: sphinx-bootstrap-theme -- bootstrap theme for Sphinx
    #1065030 O: sphinxcontrib-log-cabinet -- Organize changelog directives in 
Sphinx docs
    #1065027 O: sphinx-copybutton -- sphinx extension to add a "copy" button to 
code blocks
    #1065028 O: sphinx-gallery -- extension that builds an HTML gallery of 
examples from Python scripts
    #1065029 O: sphinx-panels -- documentation for the sphinx-panels Python 
    #1065043 O: sphinxtesters -- utilities for testing Sphinx extensions
    #1064948 O: texext -- sphinx extensions for working with LaTeX math

There's also an old ITP that was closed:

    #1015231 ITP: sphinx-theme-builder -- tool for authoring Sphinx themes with 
a simple (opinionated) workflow

Best wishes,


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