I don't often look at the vmdb2 bugs in Debian, sorry, so replies are
often late.

On Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 05:41:47PM +0100, Daniel Leidert wrote:
> I'm not quite sure about this, but shouldn't "virtual-filesystems" be a
> requirement before running apt (which seems to be called by vmdb2 internally,
> not by a target).

The debootstrap plugin runs "apt-get update" in case the rootfs
tarball is old. If this breaks building an image unless
virtual-filesystems is used before, that's news to me. The vmdb2 test
suite (see base.vmdb) has virtual-filesystems after debootstrap, but
does use cached rootfs tarballs, and it works.

I'm probably missing something.

I want to build worthwhile things that might last. --joeyh

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